
Cecilia's Easy Peasy Pizza

This is the pizza that I (read: my wonderful mum) made for my guests during my birthday party last Thursday. It was so appreciated, I only heard good words about it. And it is so easy! We made freshly baked pizza for more than 35 people during a party - that's how easy it is. With some preparation, of course.
It's actually my own recipes for the dough and the tomato sauce. And they are delicious! :) I did put together the toppings as well, but they're pretty basic so no need for a recipe. Just throw together all of your favourite toppings and finish off with grated cheese and some oregano and you'll be good on your way. The toppings I used are:
Left half: Smoked ham + mushrooms (butter sauteed) + fresh tomato
Right half: Taco-inspired minced beef + fresh tomato + fefferoni
Super delish! :)
I will make sure to post recipes for the pizza dough and the tomato sauce. Hang in there! :)

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